Public Storage
1776 Blake Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90031
Access code: *197956#
(Note: code is used for both the automatic gate at street entry AND to get into the actual building)
Space #B610
(3rd Floor - use the freight elevator)
1) Upon entering the premises from Blake Ave you’ll see the automated gate (marked with green in photo above).
Use the access code (*197956#) to enter.
2) The building is the unit set farther back on the property. The door to enter faces the main parking lot you have entered (marked with green arrow in photo above). There are two parking spaces immediately near the door.
3) The unit is on the 3rd floor - you’ll take the elevator found immediately inside the door, but there is an adjacent staircase inside, in case the elevator is non functioning (it can happen, nervous laughter…)
4) The unit is not far from the elevator. Upon exiting the elevator, you’ll turn right, walk through the doorway, then turn right again. Walk down the hall and the unit will be on your left side, right near the hallway. There is a map near the elevator if you get lost.
5) There are usually three flat bed carts kept inside the parking area, back near the automated entry gate (look back towards the entrance and they’re usually to the right)
Items of Interest
Clothes and Personal Belongings:
Blue Ikea Duffel Bags (clothing/shoes) Will be packed between things, mostly along the ground
Army Canvas Duffel Bags (clothing/linen/towel) Will be packed between things mostly along the ground
Red Bag full of Down: Sleeping bags and down jackets (can be compressed, used as padding etc)
Board Games (‘Time Stories’/’Nemesis’/’Detective’): Large boxes and loosely stacked somewhere near the door. Does NOT include the old Alien puzzle, or old Battleship (those can wait, they’re fragile and can just be left alone for now)
Boxes of Books: These will be stacked against the right wall, just inside the door. Call me for these and let’s look at which ones are higher priority
Orange Guitar Amp: This is a small orange speaker, probably on the left. If it’s out of reach, don’t sweat it. If it’s easy to grab and fits, great.
Any Green Metal Ammo Cans: Assorted sizes, but all are small and in the front area near the floor.
Furniture Items:
Medium Height Mirror: Thin rectangle mirror (NOT part of the
Green Floor Pillow: Thin wide army green canvas cushion.
Blue Fabric Chairs: There are two (2) blue fabric lounge chairs. The legs and hardware are packed inside, so the chairs themselves should be pretty visible. They’re not too heavy, and should pack relatively nicely.
White Pouf: A big white puffy cube with a big black X accent
Walnut Coffee Table: This may not fit with everything else, and it’s sort of dead center in the room and may not be accessible. But, if it’s accessible it might pack well in the back of the SUV. This is low priority.
Leather Hoop Chair: I don’t expect this to fit, but if there was any way that it worked that would be a Christmas miracle.